Source code for

""" Events are called by the :class:`libres.db.scheduler.Scheduler` whenever
something interesting occurs.

The implementation is very simple:

To add an event::

    from libres.modules import events

    def on_allocations_added(context_name, allocations):


To remove the same event::


Events are called in the order they were added.

[docs]class Event(list): """Event subscription. By A list of callable objects. Calling an instance of this will cause a call to each item in the list in ascending order by index. """ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): for f in self: f(*args, **kwargs)
on_allocations_added = Event() """ Called when an allocation is added, with the following arguments: :context: The :class:`libres.context.core.Context` used when adding the allocations. :allocations: The list of :class:`libres.db.models.Allocation` allocations to be commited. """ on_reservations_made = Event() """ Called when a reservation is made, with the following arguments: :context: The :class:`libres.context.core.Context` used when adding the reservation. :reservations: The list of :class:`libres.db.models.Reservation` reservations to be commited. This is a list because one reservation can result in multiple reservation records. All those records will have the same reservation token and the same reservee email address. """ on_reservations_confirmed = Event() """ Called when a reservation bound to a browser session is confirmed, with the following arguments: :context: The :class:`libres.context.core.Context` used when confirming the reservation. :reservations: The list of :class:`libres.db.models.Reservation` reservations being confirmed. :session_id: The session id that is being confirmed. """ on_reservations_approved = Event() """ Called when a reservation is approved, with the following arguments: :context: The :class:`libres.context.core.Context` used when approving the reservation. :reservations: The list of :class:`libres.db.models.Reservation` reservations being approved. """ on_reservations_denied = Event() """ Called when a reservation is denied, with the following arguments: :context: The :class:`libres.context.core.Context` used when denying the reservation. :reservations: The list of :class:`libres.db.models.Reservation` reservations being denied. """ on_reservations_removed = Event() """ Called when a reservation is removed, with the following arguments: :context: The :class:`libres.context.core.Context` used when removing the reservation. :reservations: The list of :class:`libres.db.models.Reservation` reservations being removed. """ on_reservation_time_changed = Event() """ Called when a reservation's time changes , with the following arguments: :context: The :class:`libres.context.core.Context` used when changing the reservation time. :reservation: The :class:`libres.db.models.Reservation` reservation whose time is changing. :old_time: A tuple of datetimes containing the old start and the old end. :new_time: A tuple of datetimes containing the new start and the new end. """